There is now considerable research evidence for the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in ‘the treatment of psychosomatic problems e.g. stress related problems, pain management. Much of this research is evidenced-based and has implications for the clinical treatment strategies that are adopted. However, it is important to recognise the uniqueness and healing qualities of each patient and ipso facto individually tailored and creative interventions to treatment.
In this workshop, creative ways of helping patients with both psychological and somatic problems will be explored through co-counselling training exercises, individual supervision, practical demonstrations, and review of case studies and research evidence.
Throughout, the emphasis will be on practical training with supervision to assist participants in using hypnosis for the treatment of a wide range of problems that are dealt with by psychologists and physicians.
The overall approach adopted will be essentially Ericksonian in that utilization and implication form the basis of the interventions, with the patient engaged in inner mind-body healing. A range of approaches will be used including: direct suggestion, Ericksonian psychotherapy (languages of implication), bioenergetics, Gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and mindfulness. These are drawn from behavioural, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic-phenomenological perspectives, and stress the significant relationship between mind and body.
The art of healing requires that the clinician pay particular attention to meeting the psychological needs of patients, a process which requires compassion and sensitivity. For this to happen a high degree of personal awareness is necessary and a capacity to trust in their own inner resources.
Overview of integrative psychotherapy/hypnotherapy; theoretical and evidence-based foundations; contextual perspectives e.g. social-cultural / political and economic issues with respect to ‘illness’; formulation, diagnosis and treatment.
Preparing the patient: history taking; creating a positive therapeutic context for ‘treatment’ (e.g. managing dissociation, facilitating catharsis, languages of implication, ego strengthening).
Practical work: trance induction (formal / indirect); ego strengthening (demonstrations and supervised practice in small groups)
Continuation of practical work with emphasis on the therapeutic process: management of dissociation; facilitation/management of catharsis; hypnoanalysis.
Mind-body ‘healing’ approaches in integrative hypnotherapy: touch; bioenergetics, Gestalt; trance-work (ideodynamic healing, metaphor).
Implementation of theory and techniques learned in Day One / Day Two with respect to specific problems: pain management; sleeping problems (including bruxism); stress management; psychosomatic problems. Demonstrations with volunteers or patients (introduced by course participants); case studies and research evidence.
Continuation of previous learning with emphasis on: sexual problems; working with families and children.
Demonstrations with volunteers or patients (introduced by course participants); case studies and research evidence.
Review and evaluation.